Medicaid Applications In The State Of New York
NY Medicaid is a government funded program that allows individuals to receive governmental benefits to pay for the high cost of long term care in their own private homes or in an institutional nursing home setting so that private assets are not used for these high care costs. The reason NY Medicaid is important and why you want to plan for it is because the average cost of a nursing home in the New York City area is approximately $15,000/month and you are expected to pay for that care out of your own private assets if you don’t qualify for Medicaid. Medical insurance and Medicare do not pay these costs. You are expected to pay for this care out of your own private assets including your home if you did not plan properly to qualify for NY Medicaid.
NY Medicaid is a needs based program with certain eligibility requirements that requires proper legal understanding and planning in order to qualify and protect your private assets, income, and your home.
If you are in need of in home care in your own private home or nursing home care in NY and wish to qualify for Medicaid and live in the New York City metro area, Westchester, Long Island, Queens, Bronx, Manhattan, Brooklyn or Staten Island, the NY elder law and Medicaid planning lawyers at Law Offices of Michael Camporeale can assist you with securing NY Medicaid benefits with the appropriate legal Medicaid planning strategies, techniques and Medicaid application.
New York Medicaid Is A Needs Based Program With Certain Eligibility Requirements
If you or a loved one needs custodial care and a wants an aide in their private home or needs a higher level of care and needs to be admitted into a NY nursing home, the NY elder law attorneys at the Law Offices of Michael Camporeale can help assist you with applying for and securing NY Medicaid. We will give you the appropriate guidance and legal advice to protect your private assets and provide you with the necessary legal strategies and techniques for transfers of assets, drafting and funding of the appropriate NY Medicaid asset protection trust, pooled income trusts and promissory notes. We will also provide you with the appropriate legal advice in taking advantage of legal exemptions under the NY Medicaid laws and all other legal Medicaid techniques and strategies in order to protect your assets and qualify you for NY Medicaid benefits. Because we are experienced and well versed NY elder law and Medicaid planning attorneys we are the proper authority that can draft these necessary legal documents and provide you with the appropriate legal advice to implement these legal strategies along with the appropriate NY Medicaid application.
It is not simply just drafting and filing a NY Medicaid application that secures Medicaid benefits and protects your private assets from a spend down. It is a complicated understanding of a complex set of NY Medicaid laws that only an experienced NY elder law attorney can help you with in order to preserve and protect your assets against a spend down so that your private assets including your home are not used to pay for your care and that NY Medicaid is used to pay for the high cost of long term care.

Get your questions answered - call me for your free phone consultation (718) 475-9639
The NY elder law lawyers at Law Offices of Michael Camporeale can help you qualify and secure benefits with the appropriate legal New York Medicaid planning and protection strategies which are needed to ensure that an individual can qualify for NY Medicaid benefits and have the high cost of their care paid for by the Medicaid program and not with their private assets.
An Experienced Elder Law Attorney Is Best Suited For Securing Medicaid Benefits In New York
Be very suspicious and wary of offers by nursing homes or home health care agencies or others who will “prepare a Medicaid application” free of charge or at a reduced rate. These individuals are not elder law lawyers who are well versed and experienced in protecting and preserving your assets.
These non-lawyers can’t advise you or implement the appropriate legal NY Medicaid strategies and techniques to deal with prior gifts, transfer penalties or advise you on how to shield, transfer and/or protect such assets; because they can’t draft the appropriate trust documents, promissory notes, deed conveyances with Life Estates and other legal strategies and techniques and exemptions under the NY Medicaid laws as these are all the practice of law which is prohibited and illegal by non-lawyers who don’t have the know how or expertise to draft and implement these legal strategies which all go beyond just “preparing a Medicaid application”; because it is the practice of law.
NY Elder law and NY Medicaid law has many nuances and intricacies that only an experienced and well versed NY elder law lawyer will know how to handle. In addition, as lawyers we have a duty of loyalty to look out for your best interests and to protect your assets and to advocate for you only. Obligations and requirements that nursing homes, agencies and other non-lawyers don’t have to you.
Non-Attorneys Have No Regard For The Preservation Of Your Assets
These nursing home employees or agencies and other non-lawyers’ interest lie solely with getting themselves and their facility paid and not in protecting or preserving your assets. Many times, because they are not well versed in the practice of NY Medicaid law, because they are not NY elder law lawyers they will misinform you and give you the wrong advice, which will end up costing you hundreds of thousands of dollars and tell you that you have to private pay for your care and that you won’t qualify for Medicaid. Or you are not told or informed that you will be left with a tremendous lien and right of recovery against a spouse, the family home or the family’s estate at death for the cost of care after the fact which will end up costing your family hundreds of thousands of dollars. These non-lawyers, or agencies or nursing homes are not interested in and do not know how to protect your private assets, home or your estate.
The NY elder law attorneys at the Law Offices of Michael Camporeale are there to qualify you and secure you the NY Medicaid benefits that you are legally entitled to and to protect and preserve your assets so that the high cost of your elder care needs is paid by Medicaid and not by your private assets so that your estate can have the proper transfer of wealth to the next generation and not spent on the catastrophic cost of your long term health care needs.
We have been successfully qualifying and securing individuals for NY Medicaid and protecting and preserving family assets including their home from the high cost of nursing home care for individuals in the New York City metro area, Long Island, Westchester, Bronx, Staten Island, Queens, Brooklyn, Manhattan, and White Plains for well over a decade. Call us at (718) 475-9639 to schedule a FREE Initial Consultation and to talk to our NY elder law attorneys.
For more information on Medicaid Application In New York, a free initial consultation is your next best step. Get the information and legal answers you are seeking by calling (718) 475-9639 today.

Get your questions answered - call me for your free phone consultation (718) 475-9639